Women with student loan debt face ‘multiple financial pressures,’ expert says. These tips may help with repayment
In the United States, women bear a disproportionate burden of student debt, holding nearly two-thirds of the outstanding balance.
This disparity emerges during college, with women graduating with $2,700 more debt on average than men.
Several factors contribute to this gender gap, including caretaking responsibilities that can increase expenses and limit work opportunities for women while they’re in school.
After graduation, women face additional challenges in paying off their debt.
Men typically earn more than women, which allows them to make larger payments and pay off their loans faster.
Women also face multiple financial pressures that can make it difficult to manage their student debt.
For example, over 63% of borrowers who seek advice from The Institute of Student Loan Advisors, a nonprofit organization, are women.
Despite these challenges, there are options available to help women manage their student debt.
One common strategy is to request a deferment or forbearance.
A deferment pauses your loan payments for a period of time, while a forbearance allows you to temporarily stop making payments.
However, interest may continue to accrue during these periods, so it’s important to carefully consider these options.
Another option is to enroll in an income-driven repayment plan, which caps your monthly payments at a percentage of your discretionary income.
After 10 or 25 years of payments, any remaining debt will be forgiven.
It’s important for women to prioritize their financial goals when managing student debt.
While it’s tempting to direct all extra cash towards paying off your loans, experts recommend a hybrid approach.
By making small contributions towards long-term investing and retirement savings, you can work towards multiple financial objectives and reduce anxiety about your finances.
Remember that federal student loans typically have low interest rates, so you may see more benefits from investing any extra funds.
Prioritize contributing enough to your 401(k) plan to capture any matching contributions from your employer, and consider setting up a 529 savings plan for your children’s future college expenses.
However, it’s crucial to balance these goals with your own retirement savings, ensuring your financial security in the long run.
- Overall sentiment:
“Women can use income-driven repayment plans to cap their monthly bill and forgive any remaining debt after 10 or 25 years.”
“Investors like Cathy Curtis recommend a hybrid approach to managing student debt , keeping a small amount towards to each goal and funneling any extra cash into a 401(k) account”
“Nearly two-thirds of the country’s outstanding student debt is held by women.”
“Women graduate college owing $2,700 more, on average, than their male counterparts, according to the American Association of University Women.”